Work from Home for Non-Profit Organizations – 700+ Openings

by Chris Durst     Jan. 6, 2021

Many non-profit organizations have embraced the work from home concept. As a result, there’s a wide variety of jobs available in the non-profit sector at any given time.

One of our favorite sources for non-profit jobs is

The site focuses on connecting people who want to do good (“Idealists”) with opportunities for action and collaboration. This includes posting job openings for thousands of nonprofits.

The openings can run from basic administrative support to senior management roles. The job selection is always changing, so if you don’t see something today that you like, be sure to check back later.

To see all of the remote positions currently listed, just follow these directions:

Click here, then make sure your location has not filled in automatically in the location field at the top right of the page. If it has, click the “X” in the box and it will automatically change to “Everywhere.” On the left of the page, under “Filters,” click on “Remote/On-Site” and select “Remote” in the drop-down menu. The site then searches automatically, and you should see 800+ openings on the right.

You can refine your search by selecting even more options from the menus on the left side of the page.

For more jobs and gigs like these, see our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page, and check your feed for our posts.

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