Love Food? 11 Companies Seeking Taste Testers for At-Home and On-Site Testing

11 Companies Seeking Taste Testers for At-Home and On-Site Testing

by Chris Durst     June 16, 2021

Calling all Foodies! Get paid to taste food!

Most of us have heard about “food testers” and “taste testers” and wondered how someone gets such an awesome job. Well, following are some opportunities for you to join the people who taste food and beverages and give companies their opinion.

BONUS: Many of these companies also use testers for other products as well so, once you’ve registered as a tester, you may get to try some up-and-coming non-food products too!

These are NOT full-time positions, and some may require you to do your tasting on-site while others will be in your home.

CLICK on the name of the company to dig into their website. Pick any and all that appeal to you, and register! Bon appetit!

Focus & Testing
Based out of Los Angeles, Focus & Testing is one of the leading taste test centers in the US specializing in food and beverage research.

To register, select your metro area, Los Angeles, Columbus, OH, or “Other.” You will be taken to another screen, which will ask you general information as you join as a research participant and taste tester.

“Our goal is to create an enjoyable experience for all of our research participants and taste testers. Please be assured that all information about you and your family is strictly confidential and only collected for research purposes. We do not sell or make available to anyone outside our organization the names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses of our participants

The reward: Our clients understand that you have a busy life, so as a “thank you” for your time, we provide compensation for those who participate – usually $40 for a simple 20-minute test or up to $100 or more for longer research projects.”

AOC Marketing Research US-NC-Charlotte
“Participating in research studies is interesting, rewarding and fun! Our studies gather opinions and attitudes from consumers and professionals on a wide range of products, services, and concepts. Studies are typically held at our office in Charlotte, located near Pineville, and we always compensate participants for their time. The amount you receive depends on the topic and the length of the survey. A short, simple study could pay $30; a longer, more complex study could pay $175 or more.”

NC State University Sensory Service Center US-NC-Raleigh

“We taste test everything from pickles to pork chops! In the past, we have run tests on yogurt, sparkling water, milk, breakfast sandwiches, pretzels, snack foods, ice cream, protein beverages, coffee, and many others!

Whenever we have a new opportunity, we will send out a recruitment email with a survey to take. We want to make sure we match panelists with the types of foods and products they are interested in and use often, so there are different criteria to participate in each test. Please be honest when taking these surveys! If you meet the criteria, it is first come first serve to participate in most tests. When we have enough people for one test, we will close the recruitment survey.”

TasteMakers Research Group
“Companies are looking for influential consumers like you to provide authentic insights on emerging products and trends that are shaping the future marketplace. Join the TasteMakers Consumer Insights Panel for paid product testing assignments.”

L&E Opinions
L&E Research is a nationally-known marketing research firm that has been conducting marketing research for more than 20 years.

They use testers for all kinds of products, so register and keep your eye out for the taste testing gigs!

“You give your opinions and L&E Research pays you for your time. We will never attempt to sell you anything and we will always keep any information you provide us secure and confidential.”

Schlesinger Group – US and UK
“The world’s largest brands want to hear your opinions and they are prepared to pay you for your participation in their important research studies. Our panel members participate in marketing research studies in a variety of different ways.

  • Through an online survey
  • On the telephone, at an agreed time
  • At in-person focus groups or interviews
  • As a member of an online community
  • By receiving products to test

McCormick (US, Canada, UK)
If you look in your spice cabinet, you’ll likely see the McCormick label. As a McCormick consumer taste tester, you may be asked to sample a range of foods, snacks and beverages—during tasting sessions in the day or the evening—at their Hunt Valley, Maryland, location or from your home. You’ll be paid, too. How much depends on the type and duration of the taste test, and you can participate up to four times per year.

“We really count on consumer taste buds to develop our flavor products. That includes your taste buds. If you’re interested in joining our testing program, that’s awesome! Read on to see how easy and fun it is.
What’s it like to be a consumer taste tester?

You may be asked to sample a range of foods, snacks and beverages—during tasting sessions in the day or the evening—at our Hunt Valley, Maryland, location or from your home. You’ll be paid, of course. How much depends on the type and duration of the taste test, and you can participate up to four times per year.”

“We test a variety of products from different categories, including food and beverage, cosmetics and personal care, home care, and others. Most panels require only a short commitment of time in comfortable surroundings, at one of our state of the art facilities. And you get paid for your effort.”

Oregon State University Food Innovation Center US-OR

Click on the “Looking for taste testers” link in the right column.

“Consumer acceptance is key in determining a food or agricultural product’s value, and forecasting its success in the marketplace.

The Food Innovation Center’s Consumer Sensory Testing & Research services evaluate consumer response…”

Contract Testing, Inc.
Note: This company also invites you to register your children as testers since the company also tests products designed for children!

“When you test with us, depending on the product, you will be asked to taste, touch, smell and/or look at products and answer questions about them. Sometimes you are asked to take products and try them at home but, for the most part, testing is done at one of our field sites, conveniently located in your area. Most tests are done on a computer.”

“Being a product tester is a great way to earn extra cash in exchange for a short amount of your time and your opinions on various food, beverage, household and personal care products. A minimum of $20-$25 per session is provided, but you could receive more depending on the type and length of the test.”

Penn State Department of Food Science US-PA

“Sensory analysis uses human senses to consistently measure such food characteristics as taste, texture, smell, and appearance in a controlled environment. The information collected assists the food industry in addressing consumer demands and introducing new and improved products.

The Sensory Evaluation Center allows sensory scientists, flavor scientists, food chemists, process and package engineers, and nutritionists to better understand how specific ingredients, processes, packages, or storage conditions affect the sensory properties of foods.”

For more gigs like these, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about gigs like these, like our Facebook page. Good luck in your next steps toward working from home!

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