by Chris Durst Dec. 18, 2020
Vicky Virtual is advertising for Receptionists who can answer phones with a smile in their voice. Pay is $10 an hour. No experience necessary.
Their clients are small-business owners. In this job, it’s critical that you treat callers in a way that leaves them feeling well-cared-for and ready for a long-lasting business relationship.
As Vicky Virtual puts it, “Our job is to answer those phone calls, and do what we can to be helpful, and turn those callers into loyal customers and raving fans of the businesses we serve.”
These are work from home positions in which you will handle phone calls using your computer, high-speed internet connection, and a headset. Your calls might include assisting callers with questions and booking appointments, and performing basic receptionist duties.
Here’s what the company has posted about this opportunity:
“At Vicky Virtual, our mission is to give our clients more time by handling their phone calls with a smile, and delighting their callers into lifelong customers.
Our clients are busy, small business owners who hire us to handle their phone calls and treat their customers the way they would.
Our job is to answer those phone calls, and do what we can to be helpful, and turn those callers into loyal customers and raving fans of the businesses we serve.
If you decide to join our team, you will be handling phone calls (from your home, through your computer and a headset) for multiple businesses throughout the day, assisting callers with questions and booking appointments, and performing basic receptionist duties.
On any given day, you may be handling any of the key responsibilities below:
1. Make our clients’ days by giving them what they don’t even know they want. This may look like:
- Closely following a client’s instructions and knowing when it is appropriate to step outside of those instructions
- Going above the standard call handling to offer additional assistance
- Offering to return calls on a client’s behalf
- Mentioning your impression of a caller to the client when helpful
2. Elevate calls from a dry transaction to a memorable experience. This may look like:
- Using quick wit and good judgment
- Using active listening skills to recognize invitations to briefly engage in personal conversation
- Focusing on what you can do (as opposed to what you can’t) and seeking creative ways to offer assistance
3. Foster happiness in others. This may look like:
- Look for opportunities to recognize team members for a job well done
- Be warm, friendly, and professional on every call
4. Do what you say you’ll do. This may look like:
- Promptly answer incoming calls
- Provide unbiased service to meet each client’s needs
- Compose complete, accurate, and helpful messages
- Be responsive via email, instant messaging, etc.
- Quickly act when a response is requested
- Be a reliable person that team members can count on
To be successful, you will need to be able to perform the following essential functions:
- Continually operate a computer via a keyboard and mouse in order to answer incoming calls
- Type at 50 WPM or higher
- Take accurate and complete notes
- Input a variety of information pertinent to our clients’ needs in various software programs
- Communicate clearly, and converse with individuals both verbally and in writing regarding the exchange of accurate, detailed information, including the ability to read and comprehend client call information with special instructions
- Clarity of vision at 24 inches or less in order to observe and discern information while looking at a computer screen 90% of the day
- Live in the U.S.
- Fast, reliable computer
- Stable, high-speed internet connection
- Quiet work environment during business hours
- Able to quickly learn how to use multiple types of software, email, and live chat computer programs
- Upbeat, caring, cheerful, empathetic, customer-focused attitude
- Phone-based support or customer service experience a bonus
- A sense of humor
CLICK HERE for full details and to apply. For more jobs like this, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be first to hear about jobs like this, like our Facebook page. FB members also share tips on applying for jobs and their experiences with the companies we cover. Good luck in your next steps!
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