by Chris Durst Jan. 28, 2021
Highmark Health is a US-based blended health organization with over 35,000 employees.
The company currently has over 100 work from home positions in a variety of job types.
Pay, hours, and experience will vary according to position.
The company is rated 3.2 out of 5 stars on Indeed and 3.5 out of 5 stars on Glassdoor.
The company currently has positions in the following job categories:
IS/IT (33)
Clinical Services (25)
Medical Records (8)
Provider Services (5)
Change Management (4)
Business Analysis/Reporting (3)
Claims (3)
Procurement (3)
Communications (3)
Nursing (2)
Emergency Services (2)
Marketing/Advertising (2)
Sales/Account Management (2)
Human Resources (2)
Administrative Services (1)
Pharmacy (1)
Customer Service (1)
Project_Management (1)
Finance (1)
As an example of what the company is looking for, here’s a bit from their Customer Service job post:
“This job resolves standard and occasional non-standard customer inquiries, comments, and concerns by applying a seamless and positive customer experience gained through many recurring cycles of on the job work engagement.
- Engages with customers in a confident and compelling manner, performing the full range of customer service duties and responsibilities, as assigned.
- Strives to resolve customer concerns in a single interaction via telephone, written, or face to face communication.
- Responds to a diverse set of customers with an equal level of confidence regardless of the issue at hand.
- Works independently of support from a senior customer service representative, frequently utilizing the knowledge center, answering customer inquiries.
- Routinely responds to customers with an in-depth product knowledge achieved through a continuously improving set of listening, analysis, quality focus, problem solving, and documentation skills.
- Consistently exceeds results for internal adherence, efficiency, and inquiry timeliness.
- Resolves standard and frequently non-routine, limited impact, customer inquiries, comments, and concerns with the most limited escalation consistent with company policies and processes.
- Other duties as assigned or requested.
EDUCATION – Required
- High School Diploma/GED
- Applies in-depth product knowledge obtained through ongoing cycles of working with routine and non-routine subject matter
- Regardless of recurring and routine customer inquiries, comments, and concerns, approaches each and every interaction with superior listening skills
- Multi-tasks with a high level of efficiency yet treats every customer as the most important during the interaction so as not to leave the customer with a hurried impression
- Ability to ask effective probing and/or open and closed ended questions that will help in issue resolution in a conversational manner with customers, using verbal clues and system tools to develop tailored recommendations for the customer
- Ability to master initial training competencies while demonstrating the ability to learn additional competencies through additional training
- Ability to de-escalate challenging customer inquiries, comments, and concerns while delivering necessary information consistent with Company policies and processes
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