
EARN EXTRA CASH – Get Paid to Review Websites & Apps

EARN EXTRA CASH Get Paid to Review Websites & Apps

by Chris Durst    Dec. 8, 2023

When you ask tech folks to design or redesign the company website or app, you’ll likely end up with a product that only they will find wonderful.

Smart companies know that if you’re building something for “outsiders” (customers, prospective customers, job seekers, etc.), you need an outside opinion.

To that end, many companies will pay you to use and rate their clients’ apps and sites. Your candid opinion of what you like or don’t is valuable input.

Following, are five sites where you can sign up to review sites, apps, and other products!

What’s Involved?
Essentially, you’ll need to download an application that will record what you are looking at on your computer screen (their site), and your voice as you navigate their site and voice your opinion of what you see. Some will also capture your image so they can see your reactions to their site in addition to hearing them.

What You’ll Need
Again, each company has their own tech criteria, but generally speaking, you’ll need an up-to-date computer with a microphone, high-speed internet connection, up-to-date version of your browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.), and a clear speaking voice.

Pay varies from site to site, with some offering “quick test” options that pay a little less, and others with deeper feedback options that pay more. Read through each site carefully to find the ones you feel are the best fit for you.

Where to Find These Gigs


In their words:

How often you get test invitations depends on the devices you have, the languages you can test in and other factors. Most testers will get at least five opportunities every day to test.

You will need a PC and ideally a mobile device. To be paid, you will need either a PayPal account, an IBAN bank account, or an account with Skrill.

You do not need to pay to register for the Test IO Platform! You’re here to earn money, not be charged money. If you encounter anyone who tells you to pay to register for Test IO, you’ve found a scammer.

How much you earn will depend on the tests you qualify for, the kinds of bugs you’re able to find, and whether your findings are accepted by our customers as valid. The most lucrative bugs pay up to $50. The most lucrative test cases often involve specific phones and locations.

Payment is monthly.

TryMata (formerly TryMyUI)

In their words:

Get paid to use websites and apps and give your honest feedback, and earn $10 or more per test!

At Trymata, we help make the web easier for everyone to use by letting designers and coders see the obstacles that real people run into on their sites and apps.

All you have to do as a tester is be yourself: use the test website exactly as you would in a real-life situation, and voice your thoughts and frustrations out loud so the site developers can understand your experience (and others’ like you).

What does a usability test consist of?
A usability test includes a video recording of your screen and voice as you use a website or app, and your written responses to a short wrap-up survey

How many tests can I do?
There’s no limit on the number of tests you can do, but expect to get a few each week.

This is definitely not full-time work, just a way to make a few extra bucks doing something fun in your spare time.

How will I be paid?
We send payments out every weekday morning through PayPal. Tests are cleared for payment after being reviewed and accepted by our graders.


In their words:

Once your test has been uploaded successfully and is approved by our team, you will earn between $5 to $90 (depending on the test), which you will receive in your Paypal account at the end of the week.

Usability testing is simple and fun! You can do it from your phone, tablet or computer, in the comfort of your home or at your preferred location. Not only do you get paid to test, but you learn something new every time and get a sneak peek of what the brands you love most are working on. Even better, you will play a vital role in making the world more user-friendly!

You’ll be user testing websites, prototypes, advertisements, videos and other types of material from small start-up companies to those of large well-known corporations. You can contact us before beginning a user experience test if you have doubts about its content.

Examples of past user experience tasks include: Register for an account on a client site, log in, fill in your profile and add a friend. Pretend you are looking for a pair of jeans, search for jeans, look through the results and proceed to checkout, but stop before the order is confirmed. Look around ABC site, wherever your interests take you and give us feedback on the look and feel, concept and overall layout. Compare a home page to a competitor’s (or industry leader’s) home page and tell us what we do better or worse than them and which site you’d choose to visit and why. Compare the purchasing/checkout function of two sites. Conduct a search for an item/site. React to a series of advertisements, video or static images. Answer a series of questions.


In their words:

Share your perspective on products and experiences and make money online in your spare time.

Influence the biggest brands, latest technologies, and innovative companies while earning money online in your spare time.

Reward amounts range depending on the test type—your test feed will always show you the amount you’ll get paid for each test. Payments for completed tests are sent 7 days later.


In their words:

Become a tester of websites and apps and earn $3 – $30 per test

Each test lasts 5 to 60 minutes and is completed with your computer, tablet or smartphone. Most tests are 20 minutes where you earn $10.

Read the following instructions and watch the short training video to understand what our customers need from you as a tester.

After the initial qualification test which is not paid, you get paid $3 for 5-minutes tests, $10 for 20-minutes tests, $20 for 40-minutes tests and $30 for 60-minutes tests. You receive payment after approval, about one week after the test, to your Userfeel Wallet and you can transfer from there to your PayPal account at any time.

For more work from home jobs and gigs, check our Newest Jobs & Gigs page. To be the first to hear about jobs like these, like our Facebook page and check your feed for our posts. May you be working from home soon!

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